Wednesday, June 1, 2011


·         Keep in mind that Mathematics is nothing but four basic operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
·         So, at first through yourself in these four operations.
·         Secondly, know the question. Every question has two parts. Some information is given and some information is required to know.
·         So, know what information is given and what information is required to know.
·         Be optimistic. Be positive in your attitude. Always think that you can solve any problem whatever the level of difficulty the question may be. Remove the ‘not’ from your mind.
·         So, self confidence is a sine qua non for success in Mathematics.
·         Take shelter of a good mathematician for learning the mathematical concepts.
·         Be concentrate while the teacher is teaching the concepts and act according to his instruction.
·         Don’t remember or don’t try to remember what the teacher is teaching. Simply try to understand it.
·         Don’t hesitate to ask any questions to your teacher when you face any difficulty in understanding.
·         Writing in the Mathematics class is not at all advised when the teacher is teaching.
·         Never keep a GUIDE BOOK or SOLUTION BOOK at any circumstance. They will spoil your mind power. Your creativity and the power of imagination will gradually disappear. So it should totally be avoided.
·         Don’t see the answers or don’t try to know the answers from your friends or others. Don’t bother about the result of the question. This botheration will lead to wrong answer.
·         If you want to check the correctness of the answer, check it yourself. There are different techniques to check the correctness of the answer.
·         Always be sincere and punctual in doing your class work and home work. Do the home work and class work yourself. Don’t ask for any one’s help.
·         Write down clearly in your note book without overwriting.
·         Make a record of the questions which you make mistake and find out the real cause yourself or take the help of the teacher in finding out the cause.
·         Make a habit of doing mathematics regularly at home with concentration.

Self confidence, concentration, proper guidance, regular and punctual in doing mathematics without anybody’s help will definitely make you success in mathematics.

Gobinda Patro

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